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The Difference Between Corona Virus vs Norovirus, Which Is More Dangerous?

Corona virus infection has not been resolved, but the world must be careful in facing the Norovirus attack. Norovirus infection was actually found in Indonesia in early 2019 and the report was published in the Journal of Medical Virology in May 2020.

"Of the 91 stool samples examined, it turned out that 14 samples or 15.4 percent contained norovirus. The research samples carried out in early 2019 were taken from several hospitals in Jambi City," wrote the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD (K) , in a release received by detikcom.

Research on Norovirus was carried out by Dr. Juniastuti, et al, from the Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University. With this case, what is the difference between the Corona virus and the Norovirus? Which is more dangerous?

The Difference Between Corona Virus vs Norovirus, Which Is More Dangerous?

Quoted from the journal What Makes a Foodborne Virus: Comparing Coronaviruses with Human Noroviruses, the Corona virus and the Norovirus equally affect human life. Foodborne refers to food that has been contaminated with bacteria or viruses that pose a risk to human health if eaten.

Here are the differences between Corona virus vs Norovirus:

1. Durability

In the journal written by Dan Li, et al., The Corona virus has a weaker resistance than Norovirus. Norovirus defenses better against common disinfectant practices.

These hygiene practices include the use of alcohol, chlorine and ultraviolet on food, hands and eating utensils. This practice is commonly applied before eating to maintain cleanliness.

2. Opportunities for spreading through food

This article, published through the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, discusses the possibility of the Corona virus being a foodborne virus. Corona can indeed survive in food and packaging without losing its infectious ability.

As a result, the chances of spreading the Coronavirus through food (foodborne transmission) are lower than the Norovirus . The Corona virus spreads through droplets and possibly through the air, so it is advisable to wear masks as a preventive measure.

3. There is no evidence of the spread of the Corona virus through food

In the article it is explained, Corona virus infection has never been found related to food consumption. In addition, the Corona virus has never been detected through food.

But regarding this fact, Dan Li, et al, stated not to let down their guard against the Corona virus. The virus is relatively new, so it is possible to discover new things related to Corona.

4. Different deployment routes

The Corona virus infects the respiratory system differently from the Norovirus which attacks the human digestive organs. Norovirus follows the fecal-oral transmission route before entering the body.

Until now there has been no evidence that the Corona virus follows fecal-oral transmission such as Norovirus or other foodborne viruses. This route of distribution will be explained through the findings of further research.

5. Coronavirus Vs Norovirus, which is more dangerous?

Corona virus and Norovirus infections are both at risk of harming humans even though they have different methods. Corona virus passes through the respiratory system, while Norovirus passes through food and digestive organs.

Therefore, everyone is obliged to take preventive measures by always maintaining cleanliness and strengthening the immune system. For the prevention of the Coronavirus, the defense is added to the use of masks every day while on the move.

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